Friday, May 7, 2010

baru pde...

assalamualaikum and hye..

finally, i finished my exams for the fifteenth time (15 kali amik exam kat UM).. now im at home doing nothing, looking sadly at my engineering books. i love these books. even the title it bore in its front page makes me afraid to re-open it and look at it.. im going psiko..

my final paper was Medical Electronics. i have no complaint about it. i took it thrice. after finishing the paper at 2pm, there are few messages in my cell. dah laa lupa nak tutup. vibrate sepanjang masa. nak pegang and shutdown kan tepon tuh karang takot kena tuduh meniru. well my phone is not capable to do anything. camera pun tarak. hahaha..!

but the message of the day was from jamal. my tutor on PDE (selain alino). he said that dah habis exam lepak ah HPark. "ok" i said. so i went straight to Hpark. masuk-masuk Hpark je, jamal cakap, "beb, aku berita nak cakap neh.. aku pass PDE.." i was likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! dah taw result ke!!!!! demm!!!

yang jamal neh pulak tak lepak2 langsung. terus cakap. gua dgn baru habis exam ME yg ntahapahapantah+konoksimohyohwess nyeeeeeeeeee, wa pun terus panik..

the conversation as i can remember:

jamal: ko nak chek tak?

aku: arrghhh! aku cuak! takot dowh!

jamal: beb, lambat laun ko kena taw gak kan. lagi cepat lagi bagus. ko taw nak wat pe nanti..

aku: arrgghh!! (aku pusing kat living room ntah brapa round...).. ok ah. biar aku solat dulu. then terus pergi.....

then kita org pun pergi ke ISM. wa sangat cuak. PDE is like the moment of every engineering student yang nak pass (but not all engine student amik. mecha tak amik and the new batch of biomedical eng. student). lagi-lagi amik dengan en. abu omar. he is the lecture yg hardcore ajar PDE. kalau pass ngan lecturer lain tak segempak student yg amik ngan abu omar..

time tuh, jantung gua dah mcm nak meletup. siap suh jamal berhenti jap. nak tarik nafas. jamal cakap ada gak kena sakit jantung neh.. which is true... im going to have a myocardial infarction. kalau letak kat ECG atrial fibrillation telah berlaku, doc apa lagi.. pusing defibrillator (or a "jek jek" thing that is what my lecturer called. i presumed he forget what it is called even though we have shouted at the back) and set it to 360 Joules..

then jamal, knocked the door. a familiar voice answered.. "yes,, masuk..."

there sitting the "dewa of PDE". tgh baca pasal oil spill kat US. (i got a glance on what he was reading).. inside there, i felt small like an ant. scared like hell. scared of being a failure. afraid of failing the paper for the third time. i wish i got a 9mm.. i wud LOVE to shoot my head off..

after jamal confirmed his result was A-, it was my turn..

me: sir, may i know my result?

dewa PDE: ok. give me ur matrix number..

me: KEU0500XX.

dewa pde: hafiz??

me: yes.. (aku dah cuak. almost having a heart attack..)

dewa pde: hmm.. u nih.. (aku lagi cuak).. ngam2 je pass.. C. saya tak tambah n tolak pape. u ngam-ngam..

me: aku dah melutut kat bilik dia.................................................................. hahahhahahahaha!

the book we used.. gmbr luar pun satellite. pekesss...

well that is my story for only ONE paper.. PDE.. the hardest ultimate math paper.. and beside ISM student which is an ELECTIVE, only Engine student yg amik which is teras and wajib kena ambik.. tak pass, repeat laa smpi 6-7 kali.. that is how hellish this PDE paper...

i have 5 more paper to be confirmed before im will graduating this semester or not. or the trip to any pulau will be suceed..

please pray for me... i need 5 more paper to pass and graduate..

ps: thanks to Jamal bin Osman. who help me a lot on PDE and also alino.



Mohd Naim said...

persamaan terbitan separa...paper tu amek 2x doh...hampess!!

Sarah A. said...

weeeee!!! i can already smell your 1st paycheck. hahahaa... dah xyah la live in denial lagi.. konon nak tunggu sumer result kuar dulu. cepat2 la siapkan resume. i nk satu baju KABA tau! tau! hehe..

Eisha said...

yeayyy tahniah tahniah

Johanna Omar said...

KABA eh... hahhahahhahahah.

Alinur said...

alinurayuni like your post.=)