Friday, October 28, 2011


assalamualaikum and hye...

today my office named a new GM. dont care about the new GM.

today also, they named a new engineer which will be working with me. i think i WILL be working under him.

i dont like how the interim GM introduce the new engineer to all the staff.

feels like he is "mocking" me. so fuck you.

"he has a degree in EE and master in HR". why do you have a master in HR asked the interim GM, he answered, " i KNOW everything in engineering, no need a master on it".. and this happen in the interview.

this guy just remind me of someone who i really hate, and i havent even met him yet.

dalam interview dah angkuh macam ni. so i will give u hell if u suck big time mister.

i feel verrryyyyyyy appreciated, thanks to atok, u just make me want to leave faster than ever.

"work efficiently during office hours and leave on time. give the required time to your family, friends and have proper rest" bryan dyson -ex ceo of coca cola-


ps: cant wait for my "starman" book from alino. it came as far from UK. btw, i still have my "firstman" with me.

talk about these later. both are great books and great people.


Sarah A. said...

hmm.. lambat baca. semua ni dah citer at our pelita session. jadi ini adalah cerita basi. nexttt! (new entry please).


Alinur said...


i love the quote.

ina said...

aku rase terinspire nak blk awal hari2. tenkiu